Help and Assistance Files
No, the game isn't really this complicated. I just like to cover all bases :)
- Tutorial Walkthrough: A brief walkthrough guides you through the beginning of The Dark Core. Formatted for printing.
- Overview and Instructions: In-depth description of game and how to play it. Contains information not available within the tutorial. Formatted for printing.
- Optimizing Your System: In four easy steps, ensure The Dark Core runs at its full potential. Formatted for printing.
- Dark Cookies: Cast off your fears and be one with your Cookie! Detailed information on how to edit your Cookie file to ensure that your saved game has truly been saved. Formatted for printing.
- Just Another Bug Hunt: Odd quirks that you might encounter while playing The Dark Core. Don't worry, they aren't fatal. . . usually. Formatted for printing.
- Exploits of an Avatar: A brief history of Britannia and the adventures of the Avatar, as percieved by Erethian, Mage and Scholar of Truth. Good background material for those unfamiliar with the Ultima Saga.
- Credits: Who did what.
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